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How does IT fit the LGPD?

The General Law for the Protection of Personal Data, the LGPD, is already a reality. A few days ago, we were surprised by the decision of the entry into force of the LGPD. Many are not yet ready for everything that will change. LGPD is the acronym for the General Data Protection Law of Brazil, enacted in August 2018. The LGPD establishes rules on the collection, storage, processing and sharing of personal data, imposing more protection and penalties for non-compliance. The main objective is to guarantee the security of personal data and improve the inspection mechanisms of the regulatory authorities.

In the case of IT, the sector will have to plan and implement the necessary changes in order for corporations to stay within the law. The security procedures must also be revised, with the aim of preventing data leakage and enabling the transparency of their request. All companies that process personal data need to adapt to avoid possible sanctions. The good news is that EXAKErnel prepares your company to meet the requirements of the Law, with a certified team in Information Security and experts in Digital Law.

We can explain in depth how this implementation happens, studying and structuring the program for your company's environment.

For those who want more details on the structure of the adaptation program, I have the figure below, which shows the macro activities involved.

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